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Back to Lembeh

Text and photos by Ned and Anna Deloach

Q3 2023

THE QUESTION PEOPLE MOST FREQUENTLY ASK us about our years of dive travel involves our favorite place to dive. This can be a delicate topic, especially when visiting a resort […]

SS Manasoo

Text and photos by Jeff Lindsay

Q3 2023

NORTH AMERICA’S GREAT LAKES have long provided a natural transportation corridor to the continent’s interior. The Anishinaabe people — the region’s original inhabitants — utilized the Great Lakes for trade, […]


Leopard Seal

Text and photos by Becky Kagan Schott

Q3 2023

EVERY PHOTOGRAPHER HAS A DREAM SHOT. For a long time mine was to see a particular natural predation: a leopard seal hunting a penguin in Antarctica. When I traveled to […]

The Hamlet Dilemma

Text and photos by Ned and Anna DeLoach

Q3 2023

SINCE THE LATE 1800S, debate among marine taxonomists has swirled around the species status of the stately little Caribbean sea basses in genus Hypoplectrus, commonly known as hamlets. At the […]


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