The DANcast

The DANcast, the official podcast of Divers Alert Network, delivers safety insights through engaging conversations with divers from across the industry. Building on DAN’s educational mission, the show strives to enhance listeners’ knowledge and empower them to make safer, smarter decisions during their adventures.

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  • by Divers Alert Network (DAN)
    Howard and Michele Hall of Howard Hall Productions join DAN for a discussion about their adventures in underwater filmmaking. The creators of stunning IMAX features and marine wildlife films share insights and stories — including their calls to the DAN Emergency Hotline — from decades of capturing natural wonders in challenging diving environments.
  • by Divers Alert Network (DAN)
    Renowned for his work on Discovery Shark Week, wildlife cinematographer and avid diver Andy Casagrande is a proud DAN member. This interview delves into his story and how DAN helps him dive safely and confidently — and why he believes every diver should be a member. For Andy's full member […]