Health Resources

This comprehensive collection of online resources provide valuable information on topics critical to diver health and safety, as well as common issues encountered by new and experienced divers. As your dive safety association, it is our duty to provide the diving community with these vital education and reference tools. The collection of articles, books, downloadable guides, quizzes and more offer greater insight into topics such as ears and equalization, cardiovascular health, decompression sickness, hazardous marine injuries and much more — ideal for divers at any level.

Diseases & Conditions

With in-depth information about common medical concerns and their significance to divers, Diseases & Conditions entries cover anatomy, epidemiology, symptoms, prevention, first aid and more.

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Dive Medical Reference Books

Gain in-depth and thorough knowledge on common issues encountered by divers of all abilities. Current medical references available include decompression sickness, ear equalization, marine injuries and more.

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Health & Safety Guidelines

These scientific briefs offer divers and dive professionals a greater ability to make informed decisions in managing diver health and safety, and were created from DAN research findings and workshop proceedings.

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Smart Guides

These quick reference guides provide accurate information on common dive topics, from basic tips on becoming a stronger diver to identifying common health and fitness issues experienced above and below the water. Download each guide or view articles individually.

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DAN’s online safety quizzes provide an interactive platform for delivering educational information on basic health and diver safety. Among DAN’s most popular online safety resources, the quizzes add an element of fun and often generate a Q&A discussion.

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