Knocked Down on Bonaire

Bonaire offers great opportunities for divers to try beach entries. But upon entering into the water, major waves knocked the divers down and caused major problems.

At sunset, a diver stands at the water's edge ready to walk into ocean for a beach-entry dive

Heart Attack in Madagascar

A heart attack nearly took one divermaster’s life, but thanks to his familiarity with DAN, he was able to get the care he needed. Read more about DAN’s intervention.

Air ambulance ready for evacuation

Travel Plans Interrupted

A diver frequently experienced headaches after dives, but didn’t think much of it. Weeks before a big trip, a doctor’s appointment revealed a brain tumor. DAN helped the family cancel their trip easily.

Cared for in the Turks and Caicos

Thanks to previous readings and trainings, when a difficult situation presented itself, a diver was able to remain calm and advocate for the care he needed. Read more about his story.

A diver swims downward

DCS or Serendipity?

A DAN member shares their story of how pain derailed a dive trip. Thanks to their DAN membership, they were able to get the care they needed. REad more.

A blue hyperbaric chamber is being monitored by a nurse in blue scrubs

DAN to the Rescue: Out of Antarctica

Accidents happen, even in Antarctica. A DAN member slipped on the icy boat deck and suffered a serious injury. DAN was there to help.

Diver in a red drysuit takes a photo of a cute seal

Trust Your Instincts

Err on the side of caution should unusual symptoms present after a dive. One DAN member experienced a rash and concentration issues. Read more about how DAN was able to help this diver.

Three divers approach a sunken ship

Wrecked in Namibia

A DAN member was in a horrible car accident in the Namibia savanna. He was left badly injured and had to wait hours for emergency services. Read more about how DAN was there for this member.

Man lies in hospital bed. He's shirtless and hooked up to electrode pads.

Not in Denial

HAVING DONE THOUSANDS OF DIVES since I started in 1964, primarily off the coast of North Carolina, the shipwrecks and dive profiles there are familiar. Overall conditions couldn’t have been […]


A Shark Tale

While trying to eat a fish for lunch, a shark accidentally nipped a diver’s hand instead. The injury was bloody but thankfully, DAN provided needed assistance and guidance.

Blurry image of a shark as he swims above coral.