See Shell App and the Illegal Tortoiseshell Trade

BEAUTIFUL NECKLACES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS, and other items with elaborate brown and amber patterns adorn the shelves of shops and tourist markets worldwide. They might seem like the perfect souvenirs of […]

necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made from endangered hawksbill sea turtles

When History Seemingly Repeats Itself

IN 1983-84, REEFS THROUGHOUT THE CARIBBEAN, FLORIDA, AND BERMUDA experienced one of the greatest mass mortalities of a marine species ever recorded when an unknown waterborne pathogen killed more than […]

Demo Divers

MOST PEOPLE KNOW the historical significance of D-Day, the infamous day when Allied forces landed on the shores of western Europe on June 6, 1944.

Few people, however, know the story of the men who went into these enemy waters before them. Armed with nothing but a mask, fins, and a knife …


The Last Voyage

IT IS MAY 1940, AND GERMANY HAS BEEN AT WAR WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM for more than eight months. Tensions are high across western Europe. It appears inevitable that Italy, […]


Dean Hollis: A Passion for Water and Impacting Lives

DEAN HOLLIS, FOUNDER OF SWIM AND DIVE RETAILER DIVENTURES, grew up in Lakeland, Florida, as a third-generation Floridian. “I spent the first 22 years of my life in Florida, where I pretty much lived in the water,” …


DAN Dispatch: New Annual Diving Report Available

THE NEWEST EDITION OF DAN’S ANNUAL DIVING REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE. While the release of the 2020 report was delayed, it offers fascinating insights, statistics, and case summaries of recreational dive incidents and fatalities that occurred in 2018.

DAN Annual Dive Report

Program Spotlight: DAN’s Oxygen Grant Program

OXYGEN HAS LONG BEEN RECOGNIZED AS THE PRIMARY FIRST AID for scuba diving injuries, specifically decompression sickness (DCS) and arterial gas embolism (AGE). Part of DAN’s mission is to ensure that oxygen first aid equipment …

DAN Oxygen kits

Travel Smarter: Dive Resort Safety

PLANNING A DIVE VACATION and all the associated details can be a frustrating endeavor. The logistics of obtaining gear, arranging transportation to and from dive sites, and booking a place to stay that can accommodate your needs requires …

Travel Smarter: Dive Resort Safety