DAN Member Profile: Chuck Nicklin

DAN member Chuck Nicklin discusses how he got into diving, his work on James Bond films, why he is a DAN member and much more. Read on.

Old-black-and-white photo of diver in a cage with a shark

Back to Britannic

The Britannic is a quintessential wreck dive for experienced technical divers, but there are hurdles to viewing it. Read one diver’s story about returning to the Britannic.

A boat with red bottom in water

Overfishing Aids Sponges, Hurts Corals on Caribbean Reefs

Overfishing coral reefs in the Caribbean has enabled sponges to predate and thrive on reefs. Read more about the impacts of overfishing and learn what divers can do about overfishing.

Sponge feasting on a coral

At the Boundary of Creation

Much of the world’s oceans remain largely unexplored, but thanks to advancements in technology, researchers and scientists are making progress and gaining a better understanding of the oceans.

Group of researchers stand around computer monitors in dark room

DAN Member Profile: Michele Hall

Underwater filmmaker Michele Hall has made over a dozen documentaries and has amassed well-deserved awards and accolades. Read more about Michele Hall and her work.

Female diver holding camera approaches a friendly shark

Life and Stress at the Ice Edge

Emperor penguins are the largest species of penguins and they have very fascinating behaviors. Read one diver’s account of witnessing and photographing these penguins.

Emperor penguin coming up for air through ice hole


Seacology is an organization that provides tangible solutions to impacted areas. Read more about Seacology.

Two women plant mangrove trees on sandy shores

Ghost Fishing

A team of volunteer divers works together to remove cast-off, derelict fishing nets to help the local animal life. Read more about the venture to remove the nets.

Two divers approach shipwreck and cast-off nets

Member Profile: Guy Harvey

DAN member Guy Harvey, Ph.D., is a gifted artist and depicts marine life in dramatic ways. His work acts as a way to champion for the oceans. Read more about Guy Harvey’s story.

Guy Harvey paints a marlin

An Alien Invasion

One aquarium made it their mission to breed and raise more than two dozen species of cephalopods. It was a challenge, but the only want to approach a large-scale exhibition.

Close up of orange octopus tentacles