Your Computer Fails: Now What?

What do you do when your dive computer fails? With the right backup instruments and techniques, you can keep diving safely. Learn more.

Right hand holds a dive computer and in background is a left wrist with two watches

The Boat Left Without You: Now What?

Signaling gear is incredibly useful in a variety of situations — including when the boat leaves without you. Here’s how to purchase signaling gear and what to do.

Surfaced diver floats next to red marker

When Gas Goes Bad

Breathing gas is incredibly important to divers and just as important as quantity is quality. Do you know the signs of breathing gas contamination?

Man sniffs the valve of his air cylinder

Underwater Communications Systems

Communication systems are a niche product for recreational and tech divers. If you’re wondering whether your next diving project might benefit from vox (voice) communication, it’s worth learning a little about the technology, its implementation and use.

Dive pops up from hole in ice holding a communication system

Hand Protection

Gloves are one of the most overlooked and individualized pieces of dive equipment. When choosing gloves, consider the kind of diving you plan to do and what you expect from your hand protection. When selecting gloves, consider the following factors: thermal protection, fit, dexterity, hazard protection, impact resistance and materials.

A diver wears tropical-weight gloves.

Air and a Spare

No matter which alternate air source you choose, learn to calculate your air consumption and regularly practice emergency procedures. There are many ways to configure each type of redundant breathing-gas supply, but make sure your setup matches your training, gear arrangement and dive objectives. If a naysayer thinks your equipment choice is unnecessary, let them know that the difference between a fatal accident and an embarrassing incident could come down to a breath or two. Any redundancy is better than none.


Know Your Oxygen-Delivery Masks

Oxygen units include various delivery systems, including oronasal masks, nonrebreather masks and bag valve masks, so divers should know the appropriate mask to use in each situation.

Customize Your First-Aid Kit

What is in your first aid kit? Beyond bandages and an ointment, are you prepared for any and every situation? Here are some expert tips on how to customize the perfect first aid kit.

A man gets a wound on his knuckle dressed and bandaged

How Old is Too Old

Dive computers and BCDs are expensive, which can make it very tempting to keep using the ones we own year after year. Remember that this is life-support gear, and it won’t last forever.


DIN Connectors Are No Yoke

Pick the valve or connector that best suits your diving lifestyle, and always stay within your limits: Equipment is no substitute for training.
