Southern Right Whales

SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALES spend a few months each year in Península Valdés, Argentina, to mate and nurse their calves. My whale encounter there was one of the most challenging I have experienced. It was also one of my most rewarding and memorable experiences.

Brooding Anemones

UPON SURFACING, I heard a fellow diver ask, “How cute are those brooding anemones?” This observation piqued my interest because I’d never heard of this behavior despite a lifetime of […]

brooding anemones, protecting hundreds of anemone babies, bubble gum color mother, unique seal life behavior

Salmon Run

IN THE ADAMS RIVER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, huge flows of sockeye salmon swim upstream to complete their life cycle, marked by the compelling need to return to their birthplace to […]

sockeye salmon, spawning salmon, British Columbia, photography techniques, Alert Diver magazine Q4 2023

Basking Shark vs. Whale Shark

Whale sharks are easy. Basking sharks are hard. Whale sharks usually inhabit warm, tropical waters, while baskers prefer cooler, temperate regions.

basking shark

Sea Star Rave

I had dived in Makako Bay, Hawai’i, many times over many years without seeing a single knobby sea star. The first time I encountered one, however, it wasn’t just one, but more than a hundred of them together. They were all gone a day later, and I haven’t seen one since. 

sea stars