Sketches of Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is home to exotic and colorful birds, culturally rich indigenous tribes and fantastic diving. Learn more about what Papua New Guinea has to offer.

Papua New Guinea is home to exotic and colorful birds, culturally rich indigenous tribes and fantastic diving. Learn more about what Papua New Guinea has to offer.
Cocos Island boasts a rocky shoreline, plenty of marine life encounters and other wonders divers love. Learn more about Cocos Island and how to dive it.
Coral reefs are important in drug research as compounds in marine life could inspire new drugs and medications. These discoveries could fuel breakthroughs in AIDs/HIV research, for example. Read more about reefs and drugs.
DAN is your “dive safety association” and recently reviewed accumulated fatality data and conducted a wide-scale analysis. Read more about the analysis and the findings.
Emergency care is vital for injured divers, and yet, hyperbaric medicine programs have rapidly declined. This will immediately impact divers seeking care. Read more about this crisis and what can be done to fix it.
The Super Falcon is a kind of submarine that enables interested passengers to travel deep and view marine life in unique environments. Read more about the Super Falcon.
DAN member Rick Allen is a self-proclaimed water bug. A life-changing incident in 2011 could have sidelined his dive career and passion, but he wouldn’t let it. Read more about this DAN member.
Honduran lobster divers regularly dive far beyond safe limits. These divers come primarily from the communities of Miskito Indians living in eastern Honduras and Nicaragua, and they make as many […]
Cryogenically frozen coral can be used to protect the oceans’ future. The frozen samples can be cultured and grown into adult corals enabling reef growth. Read more about the importance of cryogenically frozen coral.
Noldy Rumengan is a notable underwater critter hunter. Read the story of diving alongside Rumengan and searching for marine life.