High-Pressure Ophthalmology

Our eyes normally exist in a world where the pressure around them is the result of the combined weight of all of the gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Diving exposes the eyes to increased pressure. While most of the time this has little or no negative effects on the diver, increased eye pressure in scuba diving can result in ocular decompression sickness or other problems.

In regard to personal eye health and diving, here are some common questions with corresponding answers:

A Final Word

Most of the restrictions to diving mentioned above do not apply to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. According to Diving and Hyperbaric Ophthalmology: hyperbaric exposures in a dry chamber “do not entail immersion of the eye or the possibility of facemask barotrauma. Only the presence of intraocular gas or hollow orbital implants remains as possible ocular contraindications to diving in these patients.”

Frank K. Butler Jr., M.D.