DAN Member Profile: Evan Bozanic

DAN member Evan Bozanic is just 14 years old, but deeply passionate about science, exploration and ocean conservation. Read more about this DAN member.

Boy in full drysuit holds a flashlight

Significant Sargassum

Sargassum plays a significant role in a healthy marine ecosystem in different ways, including providing shelter and fostering breeding opportunities. Read more about sargassum and its importance.

Floating sargassum on the water looks like kelp

Mission: USS Hatteras

The historical significance of the Hatteras wreck is enormous because of the speed at which it sank, its depth and its cargo of guns, ammunition, personal effects and even the ship’s cash box. The wreck remains largely intact and untouched. Read more about the sinking of the USS Hatteras.

Two ships engage in a fiery battle on the ocean

Aquarius Lives On

The Aquarius undersea habitat turned 20 this year and enables scientists opportunities to train, observe and perform experiments in a unique environment. Learn more about the Aquarius.

Aquarius underwater base is aged and a diver float nearby

Confronting Cardiovascular Hazards

Cardiovascular hazards are a concern in older divers and are a cause of dive fatalities. Read more about how DAN Research is combating these cardiovascular hazards.

A researcher uses echocardiography to observe a diver’s heart after a dive.

DAN Member Profile: David Crosby

Singer David Crosby is a DAN member and a fierce advocate for the world’s oceans. Read more about Crosby and why he is a DAN member.

Man in scuba mask, and has a mustache, is giving the peace sign

Ocean Classrooms

Ocean Classrooms is an innovative new system of marine education hoping to foster science education and underwater exploration in divers under 30. Learn more about Ocean Classrooms experiences.

Woman holds an underwater camera and is wearing a snorkel

Great White Scavengers

Great white sharks are the ocean’s largest predatory fish yet not much is known about them. Learn more about a recent study on great white sharks. The study had the researchers rethinking what they previously knew about these sharks.

Great white shark tears apart a whale carcass

The Chamber on Catalina Island

The hyperbaric chamber at Catalina Island has been serving divers for 40 years. The chamber is open 24 hours per day and is one of only two that is dedicated solely to divers. Read more about this nearly all-volunteer crew and facility.

Very blue hyperbaric chamber is in a shack