A Magnum Opus of Tropical Reefs

The book “Reef Fishes of the East Indies” was written by Gerald Allen and is a comprehensive encyclopedia of reef fish from a diverse region. Read more about the writing process of the book and the author.

Dive photographer photographs an orange clown fish on a coral reef

Underwater Architecture

Submerged hotels or restaurants provide individuals with incredibly unique experiences. Underwater tourism connects people with marine life and is an enterprising investment.

Fine-dining restaurant is surrounded by an aquarium tube filled with sharks

DAN Member Profile: Ed Viesturs

DAN member Ed Viesturs is an accomplished mountaineer and scuba diver. Read more about this member’s story and why he’s with DAN.

Man in red snowsuit is at the summit of a snow-capped mountain

NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations

NASA has been conducting training missions at the Aquarius Reef Base underwater Habitat off Key Largo, Fla since 2001. NASA has staged many projects from Aquarius because the parallels of diving and space travel. Learn more about this NASA partnership.

NASA diver performs an underwater training mission

Little Orphan Manatee

Manatee mothers and their calves form a strong years-long bond, but should a manatee calf get orphaned. a mother may swoop in and adopt. Read the story of how one Florida refuge is helping orphaned manatees.

Manatee calf kisses the cheek of its mother

Pioneers of Dive Safety

Dan Orr and Dick Rutkowski were winners of the Reaching Out Awards, given by the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association’s annual conference. Read more about their unyielding dedication to safety.

Two men stand next to a hyperbaric chamber

The Silver Anniversary of the USCGC Duane

A quarter-century has passed since the sinking of the U.S. Coast Guard cutters Bibb and Duane. However, these ships later became excellent dive sites. Read more.

US Coast Guard cutter floats on the ocean

DAN Member Profile: Bill Stone

DAN member Bill Stone, Ph.D. is an intrepid technical diver, inventor and explorer. He’s led notable expeditions to explore the world’s cave systems. Read more about this DAN member.

Two cave divers swim through holding onto really intense equipment

Manatee Interaction Under Review

Dive operators and conservation groups are at odds over how to protect Florida’s endangered manatees.

Momma manatee and a baby manatee

DAN Member Profile: Mandy-Rae Cruickshank

Mandy-Rae Cruickshank is an international freediving champion — and a DAN member. Read more about Cruickshank and why she loves DAN.

Female freediver heads straight down