Public Safety Announcement: Remember to Call DAN

DAN is available to help divers who face a variety of medical emergencies. If you or someone you know is in a dive accident, call local emergency services and then call the DAN emergency hotline.

DAN Dispatch: Coming Together in Times of Need

When the Conception caught fire on Sept. 2, 2019, while in California’s Channel Islands, the shock of the heartbreaking loss of so many lives spread through the dive community. That community includes everyone at DAN.


Travel Smarter: DAN Travel Insurance

DAN Travel Insurance policies provide flexible coverage for some of the most common problems travelers face. With a DAN travel insurance policy — per-trip or annual — travelers can avoid significant financial loss resulting from illness, injury, adverse weather, canceled flights and even unlikely situations such as the financial default of a travel supplier.


Travel Smarter: Don’t Cancel, Reschedule Instead

We can do something simple to help our colleagues working in dive operations worldwide. If you have a dive trip booked in the next few months and are not certain the trip will happen, reschedule it instead of canceling. Book it for the same time next year or six months from now if you think travel will be less restrictive by then. Rescheduling is easy and gives you something to look forward to when we are able to venture out again — an awesome prepaid dive trip.


Member to Member: Bitten!

No matter how unlikely it is for a hazard to be a problem, the unexpected can happen. When one DAN member was bit by a barracuda, it reaffirmed why he was a member of the organization.

DAN Member Profile: Ian Koblick

DAN member Ian Koblick is a science teacher, aquanaut, hotel manager, diver and much, much more. Read more about Koblick’s passion for diving.

A Different Kind of Dive Club

The volunteer program at the Oregon Coast Aquarium exemplifies a culture of safety. Members of this dive program volunteered to take part in a DAN research study on irregular heartbeats.

A diver at the Oregon Coast Aquarium cleans a tank, while his buddy holds a piece of PVC pipe to ward off the circling sharks.