Vaping and Diving

DAN® medical information specialists and researchers answer your dive medicine questions.

Wetsuits and Heat Stress

Neoprene wetsuits retain moisture and heat, which can sometimes lead to dizziness and nausea. When a diver is fully suited and zipped up, prolonged time on the deck of a dive boat or onshore prior to entering the water can cause heat stress and exhaustion. Common symptoms are dizziness and nausea. Try to avoid fully suiting up until right before you are ready to don your buoyancy compensator and enter the water.

Cardiovascular Disease and Diving

DAN® medical information specialists and researchers answer your dive medicine questions on cardiovascular disease and diving.

Diving at Altitude

DAN medical information specialists and researchers answer your dive medicine questions. In this issue: diving at altitude, hip fracture surgery, anticoagulant medications, aluminum oxide exposure, and acoustic neuromas.


Children and Diving

Opinions vary among dive medicine experts about how to mitigate the complex issues around children and diving, such as age requirements, training levels and limitations. Children are still developing both physically and mentally, which affects the decision about whether a young diver is fully capable or requires some modification. Concerns about decompression sickness, out-of-air emergencies and gas toxicities that occur at greater depths affect depth-limitation guidelines, which vary among the training agencies.
