
Sargassum is highly dynamic and continuously circulates between the Sargasso Sea, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Stream. The floating sargassum vegetation creates a unique habitat for ocean life. Learn more.

A woman is holding a sargassum plant in each hand.

National Geographic’s Pristine Seas

Read one diver’s journey into exploring remote ocean habits in an attempt to help protect them. National Geographic teamed up on this endeavor to explore, survey and protect wild seas.

Freediver holds camera and swims through jellies

Oceans of Plastic

Plastic debris damages local environments and wildlife. It’s a serious, solvable problem. Learn more about the plastic problem and what you could do about it.

Discarded plastics float in water

The Status of a Symbol

Thanks to manatee protections, populations have increased. Manatees are a symbol in Florida and very important. Read more about Florida manatees.

A group of manatees hover in the water

Sunscreens Linked to Coral Bleaching

Did you know your sunscreens could actually be hurting the world’s coral reefs? Learn more about safe sunscreens and protecting these resources.

A bleached coral reef

How to (Re)Build a Kelp Forest

Kelp forests are incredibly important for healthy ecosystems’, and they are getting rebuilt in California. Read more about kelp forests.

Diver uses a pick axe

Choosing Extinction

Monk seals are a critically endangered species in Hawaii, however, some island natives are protesting the seal being on the list. Read more.

A female monk seal lazily swims on her side

Offshore Platforms

Offshore platforms actually house a lot of marine life and are popular dive sites because of it. Several oil platforms, however, are scheduled to be removed from the Gulf of Mexico. Read more about the platforms’ importance.

Offshore platform in the ocean at sunset

The Ocean Less Traveled

TALK TO ANY HUMAN UNDER THE AGE OF 13, and they have probably been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I was just 3 years […]


Hope for Sharks at CITES 2013

The stakes were high at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) meeting this spring. On the table were the fates of manta rays and five species of shark.

Giant manta ray swims with a fish on its head and a diver is in the background