Rhode Islands Blues — And Makos

Don’t let its size fool you: Rhode Island offers divers a lot to see — including some great shark sightings. Read more about where and how to dive in Rhode Island.

A shortfin mako has beady eyes and its mouth is open. It looks fierce and hungry

Tuna: Super Fish

Tuna are a warm-blooded predator who cannot stop swimming, but their populations are in trouble. Read more about tuna.

Giant group of schooling, fierce-looking tuna

Cared for in the Turks and Caicos

Thanks to previous readings and trainings, when a difficult situation presented itself, a diver was able to remain calm and advocate for the care he needed. Read more about his story.

A diver swims downward

Technical Diving

Technical diving requires additional gear, training and knowledge, but once you become comfortable with tech diving, you can do a lot. Learn more about technical diving and if it is a right option for you.

A tech diver floats through a wreck

Tank Valves and Out-of-Air Emergencies

Out-of-air situations are the most common cause of fatal diving accidents. Surprisingly, these problems sometimes occur at the very beginning of dives when the diver should still have a full tank of compressed gas. How is this possible?

Female diver makes an out-of-air hand signal

Easy Save

“Easy saves” could be some last-minute words, a double check or anything that catches you before you dive into a possible bad situation. Read more about one easy save a diver had.

Male diver looks at computer while female scolds him

Unexpected Air Pockets

A diver felt pressure in his teeth during a descent but dismissed the pain. The pain became worse, forcing him to cut the dive short. Read more about this tooth-related dive incident.

Female diver clutches her mouth

Shooter: Ned DeLoach

Ned DeLoach is an accomplished diver, photographer and writer who has chronicled underwater life. Learn about his life and how he became interested in diving.

Two Blackfin coralgobies are actually yellow. One is quite larger than the other

Underwater Images on a Single Breath

Freedive photography is an art as the photographer only gets one breath to get the shot. Scuba gear often is bulky and can just get in the way. Learn more about freedive photography.

Snorkeler takes photo of whale shark