Unrecognized Ear Barotrauma

Problems with pressure equalization in the middle ear are very common in diving and may result in barotrauma, which is the most common diving injury.

Compressed Gas Tears Skin, Penetrates Body

This is a very rare injury, but diligence and forethought will likely reduce the occurrence. Do not underestimate the energy released with the rapid expansion of compressed gas.

Sea Lion Attacks a Scuba Diver

With any injury in the marine environment that penetrates the skin, medical evaluation and treatment are essential. Documentation indicates that seal bites in particular have a very high probability of infection.

Diver Loses Five Fillings on One Dive

This painful incident described by the diver is an example of barodontalgia, which is defined as pain or injury affecting teeth due to changes in pressure gradients.

Out-of-Shape Diver Dies During Surface Swim

There were plenty of warning signs for this diver. He probably had difficulty climbing a few steps of stairs in everyday life, and that is sufficient indication of poor physical fitness.

Diver’s Leg Paralysis Spontaneously Resolves

Considering the reportedly moderate exposure and the absence of provocative factors like breath-holding or rapid ascent, a paradoxical embolism through a patent foramen ovale (PFO) could have been a contributing actor.