Report To Research
DAN has maintained a diving incident database since 1989 and relies on divers to voluntarily report cases and near misses. Our goal is to create a safe environment for divers to learn from others’ experiences and mistakes.
Each submission is reviewed by the DAN Research Department, and the results of this data collection and analysis are anonymized and may be made public for the benefit of the diving community in DAN’s Annual Diving Report and in published case summaries. Originally limited to scuba diving incidents, our reports now include open-circuit scuba, breath-hold, and rebreather incidents.
No individual will be identified in any case report published or presented verbally. If you have experienced a near-miss or injury or witnessed an accident while diving, please share your experience with our research team.
Do not use the research form to file an insurance claim or if you are currently experiencing a medical emergency.
Report To Insurance
Liability Insurance Claims
If you are a professional or business looking report an incident or file a claim under your liability insurance policy, email or call +1 (919) 684-2948.
Dive Accident & Travel Insurance Claims
To file a claim under your dive accident or travel insurance policy, email, or call +1 (919) 684-2948.
DAN Customer Service
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET
+1 (919) 684-2948
FAX: +1 (919) 490-6630
24/7 Emergency Hotline
In event of a dive accident or injury, call local EMS first then call DAN.
24/7 Emergency Hotline
+1 (919) 684-9111
(Collect calls accepted)
DAN must arrange transportation for covered emergency medical evacuation fees to be paid.
Medical Information Line
Get answers to your non-emergency related, health and diving questions.
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET
+1 (919) 684-2948, Option 4
ONLINE: Ask A Medic
Allow 24-48 hours for a response.