Underwater Navigation

How comfortable are you with underwater navigation? Do you prefer a compass or your innate sense of direction? Regardless of which method you choose, learn more about proper underwater navigation. Never get lost in the water again!

Diver charts path forward through use of a compass watch on his arm


It may be time for you to try freediving. Test your limits and push your abilities by picking up freediving. Learn about the safety, gear and more needed to be successful in the sport.

Freediver, holding a camera, swims through a wreck

Cavern and Cave Diving

Cave diving is exhilarating, but not suitable for all divers. You’re able to explore often overlooked places and see new-to-you critters and environments. Learn more about cave diving, current safety precautions and how to get started.

Cave diver with red hood pops head out of cavern

Closed-Circuit Rebreathers: A Different Way to Dive

Closed-circuit rebreathers provide a different way to dive — where the rebreather’s primary jobs are to remove carbon dioxide and replenish oxygen. Read more about closed-circuit rebreathers.

A diver on a closed-circuit rebreather floats near a reef

The Depth of the Matter

Deep diving can be hazardous, but the risks can be mitigated through training and the proper use of procedures, planning and equipment. When you plan a deep dive, ask yourself what “deep” means.

Diver peers through a metal structure on a sponge-encrusted shipwreck

Diving in the Dark

Diving at night is a memorable experience because many nocturnal creatures come out to mate and feed. It requires a bit more equipment and training, but you can easily make your night dives as enjoyable as those in the daylight.

Two divers use flashlights to brighten a plant

Altitude and Decompression Sickness

High altitude is linked to decompression sickness — why divers should not fly immediately after diving. But what about diving at altitude? Read more about altitude and decompression sickness.

Diver walks into mountain lake to start dive

Wreck Exploration

Shipwrecks are like time capsules of maritime history. Divers of all abilities can appreciate shipwrecks. Gain some great tips and ideas on how to safely dive shipwrecks.

Diver opens the door of a shipwreck

Backplate Buoyancy Systems

More-experienced divers prefer the backplate buoyancy system because of its rock-solid stability and simple harness system. Read more about backplate buoyancy systems.

Drysuit diver surfaces and is wearing a backplate buoyancy system

Sidemount — Not Just for Cave Divers Anymore

Sidemount gear configuration creates a lower profile in the water enabling people to explore new environments easier. Sidemount is no longer considered something exclusive to tech divers and is moving into the recreational dive space.

Cave diver with side-mounted tanks swims through a narrow passage