Painful Fracture in Patagonia

On my way back to the campsite, my headlamp reflected off a pair of glowing green animal eyes, and in that split-second of distraction I lost my footing on the algae, which sent me tumbling head over heels more than 10 feet down the cliff face. I landed on my left foot with the full force of my body.

Bathing in Biodiversity

Raja Ampat refers to four main islands which are part of the larger collective area known as Bird’s Head Seascape — located in Indonesia. It is one of the world’s most biodiverse and rich tropical marine ecosystems..

Free Flow at 103 Feet

Do you know free-flow procedures should an emergency situation arise? A diver calmly provided assistance to a diver who may have suffered a arterial gas embolism.

Advice, Support and a Lifeline

The sensations started in the left foot but symptoms spread and worsened. Although in a remote location, one diver shares their story of emergency evacuation and treatments through DAN.


DCS Ahead

Decompression sickness does not always present in obvious ways. One diver misinterpreted her decompression sickness symptoms. But thanks to her DAN insurance, she was able to receive the correct diagnosis and care.

Doctor monitors hyperbaric chamber

Decompression Sickness While Freediving

Decompression sickness is a rarity in freediving. But one diver failed to see the signs and fully understand the seriousness of DCS.
