Complex Exercises for the Body and Brain

Go beyond simple bicep curls and squats and perform moves that exercise your entire body. Complex dumbbell exercises are challenging for both your mind and body.

A man in a white T-shirt is in side-plank position

No Sit-Ups, No Problem

Admit it: You hate performing sit-ups. (We all do.) But there are other ways to engage your core muscles and strengthen the area. Here are some great core exercises that provide strength and work other muscle groups.

A personal trainer demonstrates bridge pose

Weight Training for Better Diving

Dive gear is heavy, but with weight training, you can gain strength and continue to dive. Learn exercises that will boost your overall fitness to dive.

Stock image of woman holding kettlebell

Group Fitness at the Pool

Group fitness classes are appealing to many — but add a little water for a splash of fun! Discover some great pool fitness classes to boost health and performance.

A group of female swimmers swim laps at a pool.

Free Weights

Strength training can benefit divers, who need strength to wear and transport heavy gear. Other benefits include greater bone density, increased metabolism, and cardiovascular strength.

Alternating Renegade Rows

Aqua Pool Noodle Exercises

Exercising in water can be a great way to mix up your routine. The water supports your body
and ensures low impact despite intense exercise. The effects of gravity are less profound in the water, so you can have an increased range of motion and move in different directions than on land without falling. Water also offers resistance that activates your core muscles for stability, which is beneficial when maneuvering during diving. An added benefit for divers is practicing comfort and control in the water.

A man performs the Aqua Warrior 3 exercise using a pool noodle in a swimming pool.

Predive Warm-Up

A predive warm-up is incredibly important to prepare your body for the task of diving. Learn a selection of warm-up moves specifically for divers. They will help ward off any physical injury.

A female personal trainer bends over to stretch her upper body

Lower-Back Pain Prevention

Back pain can ruin a dive vacation quickly. Perform these back-friendly stretches to keep your core happy and healthy. Get the back stretches now.

Personal trainer is in lunge position and leaning over right knee

Fitness Myth or Fitness Fact?

Myths are pervasive, especially in the fitness industry. Can you spot fact from fiction in this list of common beliefs in the fitness realm? The right facts can help you reach your goals.

Woman with six-pack abs performs crunches on mat

Exercises to Reduce & Prevent Knee Pain

Knee aches and discomfort are a pain in the joint. With proper exercises and awareness, you can reduce and prevent knee pain to help you dive and live your best life.

Woman bends over to rest after run