My Journey to Dive All 50 States
It was an ambitious goal, but one diver dove in all 50 states. It took over four years, but adventures had, memories made and lessons learned were worth it.

It was an ambitious goal, but one diver dove in all 50 states. It took over four years, but adventures had, memories made and lessons learned were worth it.
Decompression safety may be achieved by staying within dive computer or dive table limits, but decompression sickness (DCS) can develop even after dives that remain within prescribed limits. This article will discuss concepts important for conservative practices, some of the pitfalls that must be overcome, and practical strategies for defensive dive-profile planning and implementation.
The Maldives is a prime diving locale, with great animal encounters and attractions. Learn more about the Maldives and how to dive there.
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) inspired the book “Treasure Island” and is itself a treasure to dive. Learn more about diving the BVI and what to expect.
Fin whales push the extremes of the animal kingdom in speed, size and feeding ecology. They are one of the largest creatures on the planet and one of the fastest swimmers in the ocean.
Dietary supplements are clearly helpful and can be added into someone’s health regime. But finding the right supplement can be hard or confusing. Learn the best dietary supplements for divers.
The entrants of this year’s Ocean Views photo contest are truly ambassadors for our ocean world. As photographer Brian Skerry states in his introduction to the contest gallery, “The images were produce bear witness to the fact this stunning realm exists.”
Indonesia boasts many exotic dive destinations but one region, Flores, has not gone completely mainstream. Learn more about diving the island of Flores in Indonesia.
Curaçao is unlike other Caribbean dive destinations in that it is not crowded by tourists. A diver can find just about everything they need both above and below the water. Learn more about how to dive it.
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the U.S. Navy’s Experimental Diving Unit. With experimental set-ups that seem reminiscent of comic books, learn how this unit is changing dive medicine and research.