Remote But Ready

A research team experienced a small issue that turned into a big emergency, but DAN provided much-needed support. Read more.

Diver swims over fan corals

The Perils of Staying Silent

Do not be afraid to raise concerns or suspicions about any aspect of a dive trip. Read one diver’s story of how silence resulted in being stranded at sea for over seven hours.

Four divers tread near red marker

End-of-Life Care

DAN’s Basic Life Support and First Aid course teaches how to keep people alive during an emergency. However, those skills are translatable in other scenarios, like palliative care.

Hospitalized woman closes her eyes to sleep

Easy Save

“Easy saves” could be some last-minute words, a double check or anything that catches you before you dive into a possible bad situation. Read more about one easy save a diver had.

Male diver looks at computer while female scolds him

Prepare to Get Found

Diver Jim surfaced before the rest of his group and unintentionally drifted in the water — separating him from the boat. Read more about how to play an active role in your rescue.

Diver wades next to red diver marker at sunset

Remaining Calm When out of Air

PROPER OUT-OF-AIR TRAINING and practice are important so a situation like this will not be the first time a diver is exposed to it.


Now I Know Better

A dive photo instructor witnessed a diver perform a rapid, uncontrolled ascent to the surface. Thankfully, the dive instructor’s rescue training came in handy. Read more about the incident.

Two divers pause at coral review a checklist

Training Beyond Borders

The Training Beyond Borders Diving Emergency Symposium is the first program of its kind, offering DAN courses to firefighters, Red Cross personnel, civil protection emergency responders and National Marine Park rangers in the Yucatán — all with full scholarships.

A grumpy-looking lionfish

Rapid Ascent, Rapid Response

A diver was having difficulty breathing and had extreme fatigue, numbness and a host of other symptoms. He may have had an arterial gas embolism (AGE). Read more about how a rescuer used his skills to help the diver.

Man lies on stretcher wearing an oxygen mask

Right People in the Right Places

After falling off of a boat, a quick-thinking witness was able to provide assistance to an unconscious diver.

Female diver works hard to tow up an unconscious male diver