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Time Is of the Essence

By Bill Ziefle

Q1 2024

In each issue of Alert Diver, you’ll find advertisements for some of the world’s best and most reputable liveaboard operators. Liveaboards are a great way to explore remote dive destinations for multiple days at a time, giving divers immersive and unforgettable experiences in certain corners of the underwater world.

Kwajalein’s Shipwrecks

By Natalie Gibb

Q1 2024

My friend Evan Gill pointed across the perfect beach to a spot about 650 feet offshore and casually said, “There’s a Japanese patrol boat from World War II,” as he leaned out of our golf cart. The ocean was an ideal blue and smooth as polished glass, not even lapping against the white sand.


DAN DISPATCH: DAN Receives the 2023 NAUI Award for Innovation 

Q1 2024

Every year the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) recognizes individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to advance the sport of diving and have a noteworthy impact on the dive industry. In 2023 Divers Alert Network received the Award for Innovation, which NAUI presents to those who provide significant innovations to diving and dive education.

PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT: DAN Wraps Up Successful Bring a Buddy Campaign

Q1 2024

DAN is a membership association, which means attracting new divers is essential to the long-term success of our organization. Revenue generated through DAN membership allows us to provide services such as our 24/7 emergency hotline and medical information line. Those funds also support our dive safety research to benefit the global dive community.

Hachijō-jima’s Sea of Exquisite Fishes

Text and photos by Ned and Anna DeLoach

Q1 2024

On our first trip to Hachijō-jima in 2015, we were in the company of friends on a mission to photograph a scientifically undocumented pygmy seahorse the size of a pumpkin seed. Even after a concerted four-day search, the tiny target eluded our efforts until a single seahorse miraculously materialized in the last minutes of the last dive on the last day.


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