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The Philippines

Text by Jennifer Hayes; photos by Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet

Q1 2023

During the pandemic I asked my partner, David Doubilet, a question: “If you had one full year to dive in one country, what country would it be?” I thought he might need some time to consider, given he has spent five decades documenting the sea for National Geographic. 

Joint Pain and Diving

Q1 2023

Your effort to relieve joint pain involves achieving neutral buoyancy, but that requires some physical exertion.  Additionally, nr-axSpa often progresses into ankylosing spondylitis with inflammation where tendons, ligaments, or joint capsules enter the bone, which can lead to spinal fusion and reduced mobility.

Freediving Safety Awareness

By Juan M. Valdivia-Valdivia, MD, and James M. Chimiak, MD

Q1 2023

Interest in breath-hold diving, also known as freediving, has grown exponentially over the past decade. Most individuals who enjoy watersports have held their breath underwater at some point, but most do so without formal training or awareness of the known dangers despite the ready availability of this lifesaving information.


My Path to Cave Diving

By Jonathan Bird

Q1 2023

Every documentary filmmaker eventually dreams of making an IMAX® film. After all, it’s the biggest, most impressive film format in the world. Who wouldn’t want to see their film on a 70-foot screen? For years I dreamed of making my first IMAX film.

Watch My Garden Grow

By Andy Bruckner, PhD

Q1 2023

In late 2019 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a cadre of state, federal, university, and restoration practitioner partners launched Mission: Iconic Reefs (MIR), a two-phased, 20-year, ecosystem-scale restoration initiative for the Florida Keys that focuses on restoring seven high-value, iconic reef systems.


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