Lobster Mini-Season Safety

Be Aware of the Risks

Over the years, statistics have shown that lobster mini-season has resulted in unexpected injuries and fatalities as divers have rushed to hunt. Inadequate dive planning, poor fitness, distractions, alcohol are among the contributing factors to these accidents. Be aware of the risks, and prepare in advance to minimize the likelihood of an injury.

Tips for a Safer Lobster Hunt

Lobster hunters are more likely to run out of air or experience gas embolisms than non-hunters due to task loading and distraction. Know your limits, and recognize when you are exceeding them. Relying on the experience of other divers and pushing past your comfort level puts you at risk. Remember, anyone can call off the hunt at any time, for any reason.

Lobster Hunting Safety Videos

Over the last 10 years, lobster mini-season has tragically resulted in an average of two dive fatalities per season. Watch and see what you can do to avoid becoming a statistic by avoiding these common, costly mistakes.

Lobster Mini-Season Safety Webinar

In this presentation, DAN Medic Robert Soncini, NR-P, DMT, discusses the incidents that have occurred during lobster mini-season over the years and what you can do to avoid these emergencies.

Spiny Lobster Season

Learn more about Florida’s spiny lobster mini- and regular seasons, including regulations, safety tips and how to protect Florida’s corals from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Learn more about the regulations for Florida’s spiny lobster sport season.

Out-of-Air Emergencies

Running out of air is the most common dive incident and the No. 1 cause of diving fatalities.

Propeller Strikes

Preventing accidents while diving in areas with boat traffic requires divers to be situationally aware.

Ghost Net Entanglement

Becoming entangled in netting or fishing line could lead to an out-of-air emergency or drowning.

Additional Lobster Hunting Resources

Lobster Diving Q&A

Is participating in lobster mini-season dangerous? Should I participate?

Harvesting Divers At Risk

DAN is developing a process to train divers to recognize DCS.

Other Entanglement Hazards

What other types of entanglement concerns do hunters face?

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Mon–Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

+1 (919) 684-2948

+1 (800) 446-2671

Fax: +1 (919) 490-6630


24/7 Emergency Hotline

In event of a dive accident or injury, call local EMS first, then call DAN.

24/7 Emergency Hotline:

+1 (919) 684-9111

(Collect calls accepted)

DAN must arrange transportation for covered emergency medical evacuation fees to be paid.

Medical Information Line

Get answers to your nonemergency health and diving questions.

Mon–Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

+1 (919) 684-2948, Option 4

Online: Ask A Medic

(Allow 24-48 hours for a response.)