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Emergency Oxygen Cylinder Refills

By JoAnn Haack, MSE, and Francois Burman, Pr.Eng., MSc

Q3 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies oxygen as a drug when provided to an injured or ill person. It requires specific labeling and product controls and must be individually prescribed to someone suffering from an ailment. When used incorrectly, oxygen can cause damage to someone’s health.

Masters of Blackwater

Introduction by Mike Bartick

Q3 2024

Most blackwater divers agree it only takes one good dive to hook you. The idea of jumping off a boat at night, miles from shore, with only a few lights to guide your way might sound terrifying, but the experience is unlike anything our imaginations could conjure.


Shark Deterrents

By Kyle Kray

Q3 2024

Many divers seek interactions with sharks, but others actively seek to avoid them. As long as sharks are in the water, people will look for ways to reduce the lethality of a shark bite or decrease encounters altogether. 


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