Dark Waters

Police diving extends the reach of justice thanks to advances in scuba, sonar and other marine technologies. The divers are now more investigators and not just retrievers. Learn more about police diving.

Police diver emerges from water near surrounding crew

Gradient Factors

While dive computers are helpful, they are limited in predicting decompression stress. Dive computers track dive profiles but don’t integrate in other factors. Read more about the limitations of dive computers.

Two divers holding a mooring line next to reef

Technical Diving

Technical diving requires additional gear, training and knowledge, but once you become comfortable with tech diving, you can do a lot. Learn more about technical diving and if it is a right option for you.

A tech diver floats through a wreck

Seeing the Reef in a New Light

Fluorescence night diving enables divers to observe marine life in glowing colors often invisible to the naked eye. Read more about this night diving technique and how fluorescence works.

Moray eel emits green light

Learning to Rebreathe

Rebreather diving can be tricky for recreational divers especially in terms of relearning buoyancy control. Rebreather diving also does not change the amount of gas in the system, but simply moves the volume of gas back and forth. Learn more about how one rec diver learnt rebreather diving.

A man in rebreather gear stands next to a woman, in waist-deep water

Aquarium Diving

Aquarium divers are crucial in keeping the habitats clean and the animals healthy. To be come an aquarium diver requires additional training and learning how to apply their old skills in new ways. Learn more about aquarium diving.

Aquarium diver swims next to a shark

Expanding My Dive Portfolio

MY FACE IS STARTING TO FEEL NUMB, but at least my body and toes are still warm. The way the sunlight dances through the towering kelp is enchanting, and I’m […]


Military Diving

Military diving has ancient roots and today, is considered an elite classification. Military diving entails risks and responsibilities that go far beyond typical diving. Read more about the history of military diving and how it evolved.

Three divers in military combat fatigues and weapons stand on waterside

Mastering Neutral Buoyancy and Trim

Neutral buoyancy is a tough skill to master, but when it is accomplished, the rewards are dramatic. Learn the importance of good buoyancy and how to master this advanced technique.

Perfectly horizontal diver approaches a reef while holding a camera