Looe Key
Looe Key is considered a gem within the Florida Keys. The reef boasts corals, sharks, rays, grouper and many other species of wildlife. Learn more about diving Looe Key.

Looe Key is considered a gem within the Florida Keys. The reef boasts corals, sharks, rays, grouper and many other species of wildlife. Learn more about diving Looe Key.
Marine biodiversity is vast and each river, lake, ocean and reef has different life. But what underlies regional diversities in marine biodiversity? How can one place support more life compared to others? Learn more about this kind of biodiversity.
DAN can help members work through difficult situations and accidents. But DAN’s research efforts can also help divers in lasting ways.
Get a deeper understanding of exploratory diving — a sometimes controversial topic. One team of divers schemed a plan to dive and explore a deep wreck. Read more about the process.
A research physiologist in the biomedical research department at the U.S. Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU) and an assistant professor in the anesthesiology department at Duke University School of Medicine, David J. Doolette, Ph.D., is also an advanced technical and cave diver, an educator and a public speaker.
DAN medics and researchers answer your questions about dive medicine.
Diving experience is incredibly helpful to ward off certain risks. We experience risk in different ways and some ways provide helpful lessons. Read more.
Even if your skills aren’t perfect, you can still make a difference. Read a first-person story about how basic first-aid skills came in handy in saving a life.
This incident can serve to remind all divers of the importance of self-awareness and having an emergency action plan. It is crucial to be mindful when considering symptoms. Read more.
Douglas Seifert is an accomplished underwater photographer. Read more about his origin story and how he combined diving with photography.